Cayman's Local Animals

A description of the wildlife you will find in the Cayman Islands.

Emily Richardson image
Last updated 20 December, 2024
Iconic & Rare Blue Iguana (Cyclura lewisi) is protected in the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park

Although the Cayman Islands are not as lush as some of their Caribbean neighbours, they are nonetheless home to a wide variety of wildlife with a number of endemic and protected species. Some of the wildlife to look out for includes:


Once upon a time, turtles were the main inhabitants of the Islands. Over fishing has reduced their numbers dramatically but thanks to the conservation work of the Turtle Centre and their programme of releasing hatchlings back into the sea, you may well see green, hawksbill and loggerhead turtles in the sea. Alternatively at the Turtle Centre you can see, touch and even swim with captive turtles.


These rabbit sized rodents are shy creatures who inhabit forested areas and are rarely seen. They were introduced to the islands to control the rat population. However, rats being nocturnal creatures and agoutis being day time hunters, the agoutis turned to snakes for food. As snakes are the natural predators of rats, the introduction of agoutis had the opposite of the desired effect, and caused rat populations to swell.

5% off
DJI 0417
Cayman Turtle Centre: Island Wildlife Encounter
3877 Google reviews

Turtle Safari Admission

Recommended for all ages

1.5 hours
From US$27.55 $29 5% off
Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park
599 Google reviews

Admission to the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park

Recommended for all ages

From CI$20
Cayman Parrot Sanctuary
144 Google reviews

Admission to the Cayman Parrot Sanctuary

Recommended ages: 2-70

3-4 hours
From CI$16


There are four species of snakes found on the island. All are harmless grass snakes and not a cause for concern. As they are hunted by the agoutis, they are quite rare.


A variety of fresh water turtle, hickatees are found in the fresh water and brackish ponds around the islands.


Three varieties of iguana inhabit the islands:

The Blue Iguana, is a critically endangered species endemic to Grand Cayman. This dragon like lizard has bluish hues and can grow to five feet in length. By 2002 it was estimated that only about a dozen of these iguanas remained, but the captive breeding programme at the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Gardens is making great strides and there are high hopes for their survival.

The common green iguana, on the other hand, is considered an invasive species that contributes to the threats faced by the Blue Iguana. There may now be hundreds of thousands of these iguanas on Grand Cayman and authorities are looking at ways to humanely cull them.

Sister Islands Rock Iguana. These iguanas are also protected species and their population on Cayman Brac has almost been wiped out. They appear to be thriving on Little Cayman however, where there are around 2000 of them. Iguanas have right of way on the roads in Little Cayman.


Bats are the only mammals native to the Cayman Islands. Nine species of bats have been found in the Cayman Islands. All are rare or very rare and one species is nowhere else in the world other than Grand Cayman. They are vital in maintaining a balanced ecology and harmless to humans.


Over 200 species of bird are found in the islands, some 50 of which are resident populations. There are 5 seabird colonies and seven bird sanctuaries. Species found in the Cayman Islands include bananaquits, boobies, frigate birds, herons, egrets, ducks, sandpipers and terns.


The Grand Cayman Parrot and the Cayman Brac parrots are endemic to their respective Islands and both are protected species. With iridescent green bodies and white eye patches, they are well camouflaged when sitting amongst foliage.

Where to find the wildlife?

Whilst the marine life of the Cayman Islands gets all the headlines, there's a diverse eco-system on land too. A visit to the Turtle Centre, hiking the Mastic Trail, a trip to the Cayman Parrot Sanctuary and a meander through the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park are four boxes to tick for wildlife enthusiasts.


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