All children in Cayman's schools are taught about the national symbols of the Cayman Islands. Read on to learn more about our national bird: the Grand Cayman Parrot, our national flower: the Wild Banana Orchid, our national tree: the Silver Thatch Palm, our national song: Beloved Isle Cayman and our National Motto: "He hath founded it upon the seas".

Navy blue with the UK flag in the upper left hand corner and the Caymanian coat of arms in the centre of the other half of the flag.

Bird: Grand Cayman Parrot
The Grand Cayman parrot is iridescent green with a white eye ring, red cheeks, black ear patches and brilliant blue wing feathers.

Flower: Wild Banana Orchid
The wild banana orchid is the best known of Cayman’s 26 species of orchids.

Tree: Silver Thatch Palm
The tall, slender silver thatch palm was an important natural resource for early settlers who used the leaves to make rope, brooms and roofs.

“Beloved Isle Cayman” was written by the late Mrs. Leila Ross Shier in 1930.

“He hath founded it upon the seas” is taken from Psalm 24 and reminds us not only of Cayman’s strong Christian heritage but also the seafaring history of the men folk of the Islands.