Owen Island

Little Cayman's poorly kept secret, charming and somewhat magical Owen Island features pink sand flats and the patches of rocky terrain don't detract from the desert island experience. Many make a kayaking ritual each day from the Southern Cross resort to snorkel around the island and experience the diverse marine life, from conch to nurse sharks. On calm days, swimming can also be an enjoyable pastime in the area. Either way, its definitely a spot that young and older adventurers can explore.
Beach Amenities
- Uninhabited desert island
- Serene getaway
- Snorkelling and Swimming
Additional Information
For solitude seekers, Owen Island offers more than just a beach escape, with opportunities for snorkelling, beachcombing and exploring a real desert island. Despite the need for sunscreen in the shadeless areas, it remains a hidden gem, blending serenity and adventure in Little Cayman. There can be an issue of rubbish and debris washing ashore, so for those environmentally minded, please take a recepticle to do a little beach clean up while you are there and bring it back to Little Cayman for disposal.