Pampered Ponies moonlight ride stock photo

On request you can ask Pampered Ponies to take you on a very special full moon beach ride. It would be a private ride for your small group and it is a truly special thing to do. It can only be done on the full moon. It is a 1.5 hour ride and the horses do not go in the water. Please contact Pampered Ponies for more information or to book a ride.

Duration: 1hr 30mins

Additional Information

This tour should be booked well in advance.


Conch Point Rd 355
West Bay, Grand Cayman KY1-1301

Other Experiences from Pampered Ponies

Beach Trek

A lovely beach ride along an uninhabited stretch of beach with some of the best guides in the business.

Recommended for all ages

1hr 45mins

Swim Ride

A ride first and then the horses are unsaddled and ridden bareback into the sea, then re-saddled and you ride back to the stable.

Recommended for all ages

1hr 45mins
View more on Pampered Ponies

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