Wedding Flowers & Florists

Wedding Flowers & Florists in the Cayman Islands

Find out more about our local florists and how to go about choosing the perfect floral decorations and bridal bouquet for your Cayman Islands wedding.

Emily Richardson image
Last updated 11 December, 2023

Cayman’s talented florists can create a variety of floral arrangements for your big day.

From small simple beach weddings, to four-day extravaganzas local florists will be able to create the perfect bouquets, arrangements, centrepieces, flower arches and more.

Helpful Tip

When planning your wedding it is important to remember that most flowers will have to be flown in to the Cayman Islands which can become costly. A floral theme based on local varieties offers a uniquely ‘Cayman’ feel to your wedding and might help to keep costs under control.

Celebrations offering freshly cut flowers and stunning bouquets, arrangements and centrepieces for weddings and events.Tel: +1345 623 2044

Every Blooming Thing

EBT wedding bouquet

Every Bloomin’ Thing offers full range of wedding packages to cater to all styles of weddings, big or small.Tel: +1345 945 1701.

Trisha's Roses has been supplying wedding flowers since 1981 and can provide wonderful arrangements for all types of wedding. Tel: +1345 949 2423.


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